Real talk: I’ve been feeling overwhelmed lately and finding it difficult to approach life with an attitude of gratitude. My to do list is ten miles long and I’m trying to accomplish what feels like millions of goals simultaneously (sometimes, one of my goals is making dinner, so clearly I need to follow my own meal prepping tips!).

When I feel like I don’t have time to take a breath, that’s exactly when I force myself to take a step back, pause and reflect. I thought mindfulness was a bunch of garbage…until I tried meditation and it changed my life. On Instagram, you can see Buster with two of my favourite books, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck and Wherever You Go, There You Are, which I highly recommend if you’re curious about this whole “living in the present” idea.

Before James and I bought a cottage, we used to have getaway weekends where we would rent cottages all over Muskoka while we dreamed about what it would be like to have a sanctuary of our very own. I came across this photo from one of our favourite trips and it immediately reminded me about how important it is to have an attitude of gratitude.

How to be grateful

Attitude of gratitude

When I think back to what my goals were five years ago, three that stand out to me are having a detached home, publishing my novels, and getting healthier. Never in my wildest dreams did I think we would have a cottage in our thirties. I thought that was happening when we were 70, if we were blessed enough to turn 70.

Perspective is the best medicine. I’m living a life I dreamed about leading a mere 5 years ago. I’ve made significant progress managing my thyroid and I have an amazing care team. It used to be impossible for me to lose a single pound and now I’ve lost 60. I’m getting stronger and healthier every day and I’m proud of the girl who took the first step.

I haven’t published my books yet, but I’m networking with amazing authors, agents and industry professionals while I query up a storm and try to put Sweet Redemption into readers’ hands. I will get there. We own a beautiful (detached!) family home with a flourishing organic garden and a cottage of our very own where we’re lucky enough to be making family memories every single weekend.

So whenever I’m running around frantically and feeling like monkey brain is in control, I’m going to take some time to snuggle on the couch with James and Buster and remember how lucky I am. My to do list may still be ten miles long, but no one is going to leave this world with an empty inbox. I’m going to do what I can to cross items off my list every day while taking the time to simply be.

What are you grateful for this week? 

James’ photography essentials 

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